Community...most think of it as a noun that indicates where they live, their neighborhood, their church, their sports club, their schools. But what is biblical it where we live or is it who we engage with? If we search the scriptures, what do they show us about community?
Two weekends ago, I had the awesome privilege of spending an extended weekend in the mountains with 3 wonderful sisters in Christ, dear friends, and their children. The house was chaotic at times, children running around, dodging items tossed through the air, laughter, tears. Two of us were single, but we picked up toys, changed children's clothes, wiped runny noses, alongside the mothers, and by the end of each day we were sitting with our coffee in hand thinking "how do they do this all day?!?"....but in that weekend I was able to catch a glimpse of true community, a picture of biblical community.
In true biblical community, there is no difference between single and married, we are all believers living with the common goal of worshipping and glorifying the Lord. We laugh, we cry, we share, we are transparent and vulnerable. We watch, we listen, we observe, we learn from each other, because true biblical community is Christ centered, Word centered, focused on the Gospel, and can not and will not exist outside the Body, the Bride of Christ. Living in true community and being able to experience it to the fullest, can not happen, can not exist, without the common belief in Christ and without the common abiding and being in Christ.
As emotional personal beings, it is hard to distinguish ourselves as set apart, as different. But there are times where we can not share with others, there are times we can not be vulnerable and transparent. There are times where what we need to say can only be said to family, not to guests. I love this analogy from my pastor...we are the Body, we are a family, and there are rights and privileges that come with being a part of a family. When you have someone over to eat, you don't open the junk drawer, you don't show them what's behind closet doors or under the bed, they are guests. You treat them with hospitality, welcome them, care for them, but you do not share the intimate details of your family with them. But when you have your family over, doors are flung wide, drawers are opened, children are hiding under the beds, there is a familiarity and an intimacy with family that does not happen with guests. We are a family of believers and there are somethings that we can only share, we can only talk with, we can only experience with the family. And at the same time, even within the family, we must be discerning, we must be careful...and scriptures will point that true vulnerability intimacy and accountability must still be limited to a few. The Lord had many friends within the community, but sought a depth and pursued a closeness with only a few. (see past blogs on friendship)
Biblical community has a purpose. There are things we can not accomplish alone, with a non believer, or a part from community. When true community is present, the Lord is present. When two are gathered in His name, He is there. Biblical community exists to bring glory to His name, to make His name known. Biblical community exists so that when one is weak, another is strong; when one is blessed, another rejoices; when one is in need, another provides; when one is mourning, another mourns with; when one is discouraged, another encourages; when one needs prayer, another has already been praying. Biblical community exists so that in all things, the Lord is worshiped and glorified.
As friendships grow, as biblical community grows, and we begin to be real and vulnerable with the few, we begin to realize what a mess our lives truly are. But because our friendship, because our community is Christ centered, Gospel centered, it grows and the more we know the deeper it becomes. The more we see the mess, the more we care. The more intimate the relationship, the more desire to see the Lord growing and working in their life. True biblical community is not stagnate, it grows, it deepens, it matures. The more intimate you are, the closer you become. True community, true biblical community, is community that is growing because it is Christ centered, because it is Gospel centered, it can not help but grow.
"It is a great privilege but humbling opportunity to be a part of the community of believers." Being a part of biblical community, being a part of true friendship, makes you a better spouse, a better parent, a better child, a better sibling, a better friend, you learn by watching others, you learn by listening to others, you learn by sharing with others. I will be a better spouse and parent by watching, observing, and listening. I will be a better friend by experiencing, by sharing, by loving. My community must grow me, must challenge me, must send me forth, must encourage me; must be beside me, behind me, in front of me, surrounding me. Praise the Lord for biblical community!
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