Monday, February 25, 2013

Lenten Post 5: Dear Elisea...

Dear Elisea,
I was going to wait a few days before writing this post to you. Especially considering I just wrote to your sister. But yesterday I had a conversation with your Mommy and well, there is no better time than the present to write. From the day you were born, you were considered a miracle child, a blessing, a gift. Your birth came on the heels of a tragic time in the life of your family and friends. You were born into this world without knowing the hurt and pain we had experienced. To this day, you do not understand nor I pray you ever will understand the pain and hurt of tragedy. But the Lord gives and He takes away. And when He gave you, He gave us a gift. The first time I laid eyes on you I knew there would be a special bond between us, because of things beyond your control you had been thrust into the role of a firstborn child, and that is a role only a few are called to fill. However, I did not know the first time I held you I was holding a "mini-me," I only saw a "first"born daughter and I knew that our relationship would be different than any other niece or nephew. But as I have watched you grow I see glimpses of me in you, from your strong willed ways to your stubbornness to your leadership qualities, but most of all, I see your servant's heart your caring spirit, your spunk, your desire to pray for others even if you do not know them, your love of Jesus. Do not let others look down on you for being strong willed, independent, young girl, your ability to stand your ground and not back down will keep you from many wrong decisions, heartaches, and failures in life. But do not let your stubbornness and strong will keep you from missing out on the opportunities the Lord may present you or the ability to care and empathize for others, even if you do not agree with them. I see a natural born leader in you, the ability to command the room and all of those in it. Being a leader and the desire to lead is a God-given trait, but use it with all wisdom and discernment the Spirit gives you. Lead by example, lead by actions and if necessary lead with words. Words will be important they can encourage, they can critique. A true leader knows when they are necessary. Those traits that are difficult to parent right now as you grow in the love of Jesus and as you understand His word will begin to produce fruit, spiritual fruit. I know you are a prayer warrior, even at the ripe young age of 4. I have seen you pray for people that you do not know only because you care and want them to know Jesus and His love. I have seen you pray for healing and for hearts. Do not lose your desire to pray. Do not let the world take this from you, if you do not see answers it does not mean your prayers are not heard. If you are discouraged and do not feel the Lord even cares about your prayers, do not let these thoughts from satan keep you from praying. You have a prayer warrior's spirit, may it never be quenched. You are a servant, I see moments where you desire to serve and care for others over yourself. Never let the temptation to think of yourself before others come to fruition. Fight the temptation and keep the Lord first others second and then yourself. This does not mean to be week and timid easily taken advantage of, but this means even when others do not understand, even when others think you are indecisive or being taken advantage of, to stay true to the Gospel and truly think of others before yourself. It will become a way of life, it will become an innate gift that you will know no other way to live. Dying to self and living in Him. 
When I held you for the first time, I felt a bond a deep sense of love that I have never felt again. While I desire strongly to have a family, a husband and children of my own. I know my desires are in His hands and in His timing. And I desire to one day feel this joy and love again, but I know what it feels like. I know the raw emotion of seeing this tiny face look up and you and the joy of knowing you have been given the opportunity to help raise this little being. And then to watch you grow and have people closest to you say she is just like you, what a humbling honor to know the Lord has given me the chance to help mold you. To guide you and love you, to hopefully keep you from making the mistakes I have made, to protect you, to love you through all the ups and downs this life will give you, I know the Lord has great things for you. He would not create you with the unique personality He has without having something great in store for you. He would not have brought you into this world exactly when He did without having a great journey for you to take. 
I pray you never know a day without the Father's love, I pray you never know a day without the love of your family. I pray for the day you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart He was killed for your transgressions and He was raised from the dead to bring you life. I know that day is coming and it is coming soon. The communion you have with the Spirit and the Father already is evidence of the work of the Spirit the moving of the Spirit in your heart already. 
Know how much you are loved....Aunt Jynne
PS: I have NOOO clue where she got the pose from in the last picture...Aunt Jynne does NOT take pictures with her hand on her hip and her head cocked to the side;)....(guess little eyes are always watching!)

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