Monday, December 8, 2014

My Christmas Prayer...

As I look down and see December 8 glaring from my watch, I pause...and think to myself....will time ever slow down? I hurry about my morning, finishing putting the last few ornaments on the tree, hang a couple Christmas cards on the cabinet door...and realize...time does not slow down, the older you are, the faster it seems to move...Yet, this Christmas, I pray...

May I savor each moment as if it were the first....the moment I held my first ornament, baked my first Christmas cookie with my mom, held my first newborn, sung my first Christmas carol.
May I slow down Christmas and not worry about the schedule, about the doing, and start living in the being...making time "to be" with friends I cherish, with family, with the Word became Flesh.
May the love I have shine through the gifts I give...the ornaments chosen with care, the gifts prayed over and picked for such a Christmas as this....because the true heart of Christmas is in the giving.
May I truly listen to the carols of the they all echo the truth of His Word...O come ALL ye faithful, Joy to the world the Lord has come, Silent night holy night Son of God loves pure light, Go tell it on the mountain.
May I laugh and smile at the sights and sounds....lights glittering in the night, bells ringing outside the stores, children smiling as the see a jolly old man, people laughing as the remember times of old.
May I remember the sense of awe and wonder I had as a child....a Baby came to save the world, gifts under the tree, angels singing in jubilee.
May I serve relentlessly, give willingly, love unconditionally...for Christmas is about a baby, born to serve, born to give, born to love...and I was created in His image.
And may I remember Christmas is a season, it comes, it goes...and in life, seasons change, they come and they go, but Christ came so that through each season, we have hope.

So through the joyful of Christmases, through the saddest of Christmases...and I have experienced both... we have a hope. We have a joy, we have a peace. "I bring you good news of great joy, for unto you is born this day, A SAVIOR...Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom He is well pleased."