Friday, March 9, 2012

When You Cant Sleep...You Think...Today's Thoughts

"Open my eyes, that I may see, glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; Place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth Thou sendest clear; And while the wave notes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear. Open my mouth, and let me bear, gladly the warm truth everywhere; Open my heart and let me prepare love with Thy children thus to share. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready my God, Thy will to see, Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!"  Oh how I love the words to the old hymns, the depth and maturity of the words, the truth behind them. As I was laying wide awake in the bed last night, I heard this song in my head and as it came to mind, I began to think about the truth in these words but the difficulty in acting them out. I claim and state through prayer "Lord Open My Eyes to Your Truth!" but I still clasp my hand and cover my eyes to the unveiling of the TOTAL truth. I still try to keep control of the things I can control, I still try to turn a blind eye or make excuses for things instead of seeing them for the truth they really are. I listen to voices of the world, I heed advice from those who are not attune to the Spirit, and therefore I can not bear the warm truth of the Gospel everywhere I need to. Through every season of life, I need the Truth, I need His direction and will. I want to know what He desires me to know. So why do we shut our eyes, yet claim they are open? Why do we hold things in our grasp, yet claim we have unclasped our hands to freedom? Because of fear, we are afraid of losing control, we are afraid we may not be provided for, we are afraid of losing all we have, we are afraid of yet again starting over, we are afraid of losing friends, we are afraid of what others may think, we are afraid we may not please our boss our family our friends, we are afraid to trust the Lord, we are afraid of change, we are afraid of being different, we are afraid to be set apart, we are afraid we may have to speak up, we are afraid of what the truth really may reveal about others and about ourselves, we are afraid of where the Lord may send us, we are afraid of the unknown, we are afraid....fear drives us to worry, it drives us from lacking courage, it drives us from having the truth revealed. We say we want to know the truth, we want to be set free, but deep down we are afraid. And pride, we are proud of where we have come, what we have done, we do not want people to know we have made mistakes, we are proud we felt we were in the Lords will, we do not want people to see our sins, we do not want people to think differently of us, we make our boast in others and not in Him, we make our boast in what we do and not in Him, we are to proud to change what needs to be changed because it may make us look weak, we our proud of relationships even if they are not what the Lord intended, we are proud of our job because of the status it gives us...pride drives us to a selfish heart which drives us from having the truth revealed.  How I desire to be free! Set free and know the will know the Truth and the Truth is what sets you free!! How I love the words to this hymn! Place in our hands Lord the key that will unclasp Your will for our lives! Open our ears to Your Voice, Your Truth, may everything false disappear from around! You are speaking clearly, be it quietly or loudly, You are speaking! Unveil our eyes, take the scales away! May we sing these words over in our heads and in our hearts and truly mediate on the power of their words. And may we once and for all break the chains, unclasp our hands and see the Truth and be set free! 

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