Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Puritan Prayer for Today

A Puritan Prayer for Today....found in reading Ann Voskamp's A Holy Experience...

To be read, prayed, slowly…
                                                                            "O God,
I bless thee for the happy moment
when I first saw thy law fulfilled in Christ,
wrath appeased, death destroyed, sin forgiven,
my soul saved….
I want no other rock to build upon than that I have,
desire no other hope than that of gospel truth,
need no other look than that which gazes
on the cross…
May my cry be always, Only Jesus! only Jesus!
In Him I have all that I can hold;
enlarge me to take in more…
                                                     If I am tempted, and have no wit, 
give me strength enough to trust in Him
If in extremity,
let me feel that He can deliver me;
If driven to the verge of hope
and to the pit of despair,
grant me grace to fall into His arms.
O God, hear me,
do for me more
than I ask, think, or dream.”
Sometimes all one can do is pray that the Lord grants them the grace to fall into Him, to rely on Him. Puritan prayers, are so simple yet so profound. May the Lord of all peace and strength, no matter what the situation you are finding yourself in, grant you the peace to fall into Him, the strength to persevere! May you have no other rock to build upon! And may He hear you and give you far more than you ever imagined!! He is Sovereign! Fall into Him!

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