Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lenten Post 3: Kingdom Culture...

As I was putting away my computer yesterday morning after writing, I noticed a post that was on a dear sister's Facebook page. It pulled my interest to it and I began to read. What unfolded before my eyes was a dialogue between a white woman, about to marry a black man, and a black man's response to this woman's letter. What unfolded before me was the woman complaining about the looks and feelings directed towards her, her explanation of why black men would rather be with white women, a "A" list of famous people married to white women, and the man's response that "brothers see white women as docile, easy, not strong..." As I read this dialogue, first I boiled with anger over what was said about women and then my heart completely broke for both of these individuals and the world we live in. Having lived in a different culture, having traveled to different cultures, racism stereotypes biases are not just an American issue, they are a world issue, they are a heart issue. Ever since the fall of man, there has been a fight to become the best the greatest the most successful. Ever since the fall of man people have been judged by what they wear, the color of their skin, the language they speak, the amount of money in their possession. And sadly enough, this prejudice, this bias is present even within the walls of the church, even within the body of Christ. How many times have I heard a believer say "I have nothing wrong with interracial dating, I will marry another race but I am not going to marry a black man." To which I say back "And why not?" (I have yet to receive a justified answer.) How many times have I heard a believer say "Those Mexicans, those black people, those Chinese..." Or how many times have I heard a believer say "I wouldn't send my kids to that school.." "I wouldn't live in that house..." "I wouldn't drive that car..." Bias, prejudice is not just based on color of skin ethnicity or culture, go to a women's bible study and you will see it goes even deeper. Mothers judging over those who breast feed and those who do not, those who homeschool public school and private school, those who work and those who do not, those who punish their children by making them wear over size bows and those who do not. Go to a church any given Sunday and listen to denominations talk of other brothers and sisters, they baptize infants we do not, they sprinkle we dunk, they have wine for communion we have Welch's grape juice, they raise their hands we stand still, they have all races we have one. As I listen to the body of believers I can not help but think we have our heart wanting and desiring one thing and we are completely going about it the wrong way. If we are truly to represent the Kingdom of the Living God here on earth then we need to all be a part of the Kingdom Culture, not the black culture, not the white culture, not the homeschool culture, the Baptist culture, but the Kingdom Culture. So what is the Kingdom Culture? I read a  quote from Ann Voskamp, as she and her family are currently ministering in Haiti, and this is what she says: 
"How in the name of heaven, could ever I forget that it. is. all. grace? That Grace alone is the gossamer thread that holds your life together. That life isn’t made up of atoms — it’s made up of amazing grace. That it isn’t DNA or SATs or IQ that determine your existence — but His grace alone." 
This is Kingdom Culture....realizing that it is not the color of our skin, the degree we hold, the number of children in our household, the denomination we attend but His grace alone that defines who we are. We can not hide the fact we are all different; we all have different looks different ways of doing things different desires. But His grace and His grace alone is the tie that binds. When people ask me what is the most important characteristic you are looking for in a husband, I have one simple answer. I desire a man who loves Jesus more than he loves me, regardless of race ethnicity culture or background. I desire a man who believes in the power of the Cross, the forgiveness of sins through Christ alone, the power of the Resurrection, the moving of the Spirit, the inerrancy of Scripture, and there is only One True and Living God. Shouldn't this be what we all desire? Of not just a spouse but of the world, of the church? Shouldn't we desire to reach all nations and creeds not because we are better but because we have a story that will change their lives forever and eternity??
If we deny differences, we are denying the beauty and uniqueness of God's creation. Race, ethnicity, culture, denominations, education, social status, these will always be present. But the Word is very clear, "every knee shall bow in Heaven and on Earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord." Heaven will be filled with every race every culture every ethnicity....during Lent, let us remember His grace alone determines our existence. Let us bring a piece of His Kingdom to those around us, let us see each other through the eyes of His grace. 

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